Child Education
How our sponsoring works?
You can sponsor a child by yourself or you can come together as a group of people or as a family.
At ACIS we aim to sponsor few children and make small meaningful consistent contributions rather sponsor thousands of children and fail to meet all their needs. We want to be there for them for the long term, help them reach their potential and celebrate their successes in life. Alhamdulilah, we are currently looking after over 10 sponsored children.
Sponsor a Child £50 Per Month?
You are probably wondering why £50 per month for sponsoring a child in comparison to what other charities are offering. We can’t speak for other charities but can speak for ourselves. Rest assured that when you sponsor a child with ACIS – All Children in School, you will be doing so much more than just sponsoring a child. You will contribute to change the entire child’s family. You will be making a huge difference!
Why £50 per child?
Guinea is one of the poorest countries in Africa, where the standards of living is ridiculous high for a number of reasons. Majority of the food in Guinea is imported and due to high taxes, food is very expensive and unaffordable to the poor people, especially those in rural ereas. In addition, most farmers prefer to export their produce abroad in order to make more money than sell them locally in Guinea. The produce that is left behind is hiked, for instance, a bag of rice costs £28 to £30 depending on the location.
How your money is being spent?
The money is being spent on
- Food Packages
- Eid clothing for both Eids
- Educational Resources